Call for proposals on III International Conference of the RAHER ends on July 1, 2012
Call for proposals on III International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers “The Birth and Revival of Universities” ends on July 1, 2012
Dear Colleagues!
On October 19-20, 2012, the III International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers will be held in Moscow. The special theme of the conference - “The Birth and Revival of Universities.” The Conference will be devoted to the 20th anniversary of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, and the New Economic School.
The Conference will feature case studies of several Russian and international universities to present their change experience. The Conference agenda involves a number of sessions to present research papers on a variety of higher education topics.
During the Conference, two recently published books will be presented:
– The Road to Academic Excellence: The Making of World-Class Research Universities. Edited by Philip G. Altbach and Jamil Salmi. Washington: World Bank, 2011 (Russian edition: Moscow, 2012).
– Paying the Professoriate: A Global Comparison of Compensation and Contracts. Edited by Philip G. Altbach, Liz Reisberg, Maria Yudkevich, Gregory Androushchak, Iván F. Pacheco. London: Routledge, 2012 (Russian edition: Moscow, 2012).
Suggested topics for papers under the main Conference theme may involve:
- «Old» new universities: mergers, acquisitions and radical modernisation.
- Faculty contracts: conditions, incentives and performance in academia.
- Changing academic profession in a changing world.
- Measuring university performance: models and practices of evaluation and ranking.
- What is new about new universities? Institutional cases and research on start-up and overhaul of universities.
- Organisational theory and management models for young, new and overhauled universities.
- International institutional cooperation and its role in the development of universities.
- Student’s academic performance at research universities.
- Resource-dependence: models of funding and investment practices for universities.
- University branding and reputation: strategies and practices of brand positioning.
- Third mission of universities: good practices of social entrepreneurship and social responsibility.
- The role of universities in regional development.
- Humanities universities on the road to academic excellence. Why do we need humanities in the knowledge-based economy and society?
- Good practices of international collaboration and cooperation in science (laboratories, projects, workshops, conferences): organisation, funding and effectiveness.
- Students' pathways at university.
Participants are invited to submit extended abstracts (up to 650 words) of their research papers for presentation at the Conference sessions. Applications will be accepted from May 1 till July 1, 2012, by e-mail
The papers should present the original research findings based on scientific research methodologies. Papers submitted for sessions are expected to be summarised for a 15–20 minute PowerPoint presentation. The Conference programme, including the range of sessions and round-table discussions, will be finalised based on submitted abstracts.
Each application should include the speaker’s name, place of work and position, contact information (address, telephone/fax and e-mail), the title of the proposed paper and a suggested session. The application form can be downloaded here.
An application should include an abstract/talking points of the suggested paper in Russian or English, attached as a Word file, with a total of up to 650 words.
The executive summary should involve a synopsis of the issue and a description of the research, including its level, key characteristics (theoretical or empirical type, data, informational base etc.) and results. Applicants are encouraged to indicate whether they are willing to participate in a symposium on one of the Conference’s special topics.
A group of applicants can suggest a special session topic if they would like their papers presented at a separate session. In this case, the Conference Programme Committee should be notified by a letter sent to email:; more details can be obtained here. The letter should include the following information: title of the suggested session; names of presenting speakers (a maximum of 4 people who have already registered as individual applicants); research topic; name of the session’s chairperson and contact information (telephone, email address etc.). The Programme Committee will review all received proposals and make decisions on the suggested sessions upon reviewing the papers and at the stage of finalising the conference programme.
The working languages of the Conference are Russian and English; simultaneous translation will be available during all plenary and most of the parallel sessions.
The Programme Committee will announce its decision on acceptance of papers by August 1, 2012, based on the results of peer reviews by independent experts. The Conference programme will be finalized by September 10.
For participation without presenting please apply before September 15, 2012by email:, indicating “Participation without presenting” in subject field.
The Conference Organizing Committee.