Prof. Evripides Stefanou
Prof. Evripides Stefanou is Rector of the University of Crete, and Professor of Environmental Organic Chemistry
Graduate studies in Chemical Engineering, University of Neuchatel (Switzerland): Diploma in Chemical Engineering (1975).
Doctoral studies in Organic Chemistry, University of Zurich (Switzerland): PhD in Organic Chemistry (1979). Title of the doctoral dissertation: "Transamidation Reactions on Aminolactames".
Post-graduate studies in Environmental Chemistry, University of Geneva (Switzerland): Diploma in Environmental Chemistry (1980).
Academic appointments
Research Associate at EAWAG-Swiss Federal Institute for Water Resources & Water Pollution Control, ETH-Zurich (1980-1981).
Maitre-Assistant at the University of Geneva (1981-1982).
Research Associate & Lecturer at the Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University (1982-1984).
"Chargé des Cours et des Recherches", Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Geneva (1984-1986).
Assistant Prof. of Chemistry, Univ. of Crete. (1986-1989)
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Crete. (1989-1993)
Professor of Environmental Organic Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Crete.(1993-present)
Expert - Member of international committees
Member of the Scientific Committee of the EU project "Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environmet" (COST 64b).
Expert of the UNEP
Member of European Environmental Research Organisation (EERO)
Research Proposals:
European Union (E.U.) DGXII "Environment" & "MAST" Programmes
Scientific Journals:
· Environmental Science and Technology (ACS)
· Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research (ACS)
· Atmospheric Environment
· Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
· Journal of Chromatography
· Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ACS)
· Marine Chemistry
· Organic Geochemistry
Research interests
· Chemistry of Organic Aerosols
· Atmospheric Input of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Organic Compounds into the Marine Environment.
· Fate of Petroleum Derived Hydrocarbons, PCBs and Surfactants in the Marine Environment.
· Fate of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water during Disinfection, and Waste Water during Treatment.
Administrative activities
· Member of the Senate of the University of Crete.
· Member of the Research Committee of the University of Crete.
· Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Crete.
· Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Crete.
Professional affiliations
· American Chemical Society
· Association of Greek Chemists
· American Association for Aerosol Research
· American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Important research grants (1992-1998)
"Atmospheric Input of Natural and Anthropogenic Organic Compounds to the Mediterranean", 170.000 ECU, from EU-SCIENCE program. Project Coordinator. (With Dr J. Albaiges, CSIC-CID, Barcelona, Spain and Dr. A.Saliot Labor. de Physique et Chimie Marine, Univ. P. & M. Curie, Paris V). 1992-1994.
"Disinfection of drinking water and of treated domestic waste water by chlorine and chlorine dioxide", 353.000 ECU, EU-AVICENNE programme, 1994-1996. Project Coordinator. (With TECHNION, Haifa, Israel, and General State Laboratory of Cyprus)
"Aerosol formation from biogenic organic carbon", 100.000 ECU (for the Univ. of Crete), E.U. Environment and Climate Programme, 1996-1998.
"Monitoring and prediction of the atmospheric transport and deposition of desert dust in the Mediterranean region", 134.640 ECU (for the Univ. of Crete), EU Environment and Climate Programme, 1996-1998.
"Global Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds", 140 KECU, E.U. Environment and Climate Program, 1998-2001.
"Analysis and fate of concrete admixtures" 120 KECU, E.U. Environment and Climate Program, 1998-2000.
Peer reviewed publications since 1998
A. Gogou, M. Apostolaki, E. G. Stephanou, "Determination of organic molecular markers in marine aerosols and sediments: one-step flash chromatography compound class fractionation and capillary gas chromatographic analysis" Journal of Chromatography A, 799, 215-231, 1998.
I. Kavouras, N. Stratigakis, E. G. Stephanou "Iso- and anteisoalkanes: Specific tracers of environmental tobacco smoke in indoor and outdoor size-distributed aerosols" Environ. Sci. Tech., 32(10), 1369-1377, 1998.
I. Kavouras, N. Mihalopoulos, E. G. Stephanou, "Formation of Atmospheric particles from organic acids produced by forests" Nature, 395, 683-686, 1998.
I. Kavouras, N. Mihalopoulos, E. G. Stephanou, "Formation and gas/particle partitioning of monoterpenes photo-oxidation products over forests" Geophysical Research Letters, 26(1), 55-58, 1999.
I. Kavouras, N. Mihalopoulos, E. G. Stephanou*, "Secondary aerosol formation vs. primary organic aerosol emission: In situ evidence for the chemical coupling between monoterpene acidic photo-oxidation products and new particle formation over forests" Environ. Sci. Technol. 33, 1028-1037, 1999.
I. Kavouras*, J. Lawrence, P. Koutrakis, E. G. Stephanou, Pedro Oyola Measurement of Particulate Aliphatic and Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Santiago de Chile. Source Reconciliation and Evaluation of Sampling Artifacts, Atmospheric Environment 33, 4977-4986, 1999.
A. Kampioti And E. G. Stephanou*, Simultaneous determination of halogenated neutral and acidic disinfection by-products in drinking water by closed-loop-stripping extraction and capillary gas chromatography, Journal of Chromatogr. A, 857, 217-229, 1999.
A. Gogou, I. Bouloubassi, E.G. Stephanou*, Marine Organic Geochemistry of the Eastern Mediterranean: 1. Aliphatic and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Cretan Sea Surficial Sediments, Marine Chemistry 68, 265-282, 2000.
Kavouras, I.G., Stratigakis, N, Stephanou, E.G.* Chemical characterization of emissions of vegetable-oil process and their contribution to aerosol mass using organic molecular markers approach, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 51, 552-561, 2001.
Kavouras, I.G., Koutrakis, P., Lagoudaki, E., Tsapakis, E., Stephanou, E.G*, Oyola P. D. Von Baer Source apportionment of particulate urban PAHs using exploratory multivariate methods, Environmental Science and Technology 35, 2288-2294, 2001.
Harrison, D., Hunter, M.C., Lewis, A.C., Seakins, P.W.*, Bonsang, B., Gros, V., Kanakidou, M., Touaty, M., Kavouras, I.G., Mihalopoulos, N., Stephanou, E.G., Alves, C., Nunes, T., Pio, C., Ambient isoprene and monoterpene concentration in a Greek fir (Abies Borissi regis) forest. Reconciliation with emissions measurements and effects on measured OH concentrations, Atmospheric Environment 35, 4699-4711, 2001.
M. Mandalakis, M. Tsapakis, E.G. Stephanou*, Optimization and application of high-resolution gas chromatography with ion trap tandem mass spectrometry to the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in atmospheric aerosols, Journal of Chromatography A 925, 183-196, 2001.
Stephanou E.G.*; Kavouras I.; Mihalopoulos N. Comment on 'Formation of new particles in the gas-phase ozonolysis of monoterpenes' by Koch et al., Atmospheric Environment 34 (2000) 4031-4042), Atmospheric Environment, 35(26), 4523-4524, 2001.
A. A. Kampioti, E.G. Stephanou*, The impact of bromide on the formation of neutral and acidic disinfection by-products (DBPs) in Mediterranean chlorinated drinking water, Water Research, 36(10), 2596-2606, 2002.
Kavouras, I.G., Stephanou, E.G.* Gas/particle partitioning and size distribution of carbonaceous aerosol indoor in public buildings, Indoor Air 12, 17-32, 2002.
Kavouras, I.G., Stephanou, E.G.* Organic primary and secondary aerosol constituents in urban, background marine and forest atmosphere: Comparative study of their particle size distribution. J. Geophys. Res. 107, D8, 10.1029/2000JD000278, 2002.
M. Mandalakis And E. G. Stephanou*, Polychlorinated Biphenyls Associated to Fine Particles (PM2.5) in Urban Environment of Chile: Concentration Levels and Sampling Volatilization Losses, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21(11), 2270-2275, 2002.
M. Mandalakis, M. Tsapakis, A. Tsoga, E. G. Stephanou*, Gas-Particle Concentrations and Distribution of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs and PCDD/Fs in the Atmosphere of Athens (Greece), Atmospheric Environment 36, 4023-4035, 2002.
M Tsapakis, E Lagoudaki, E. G. Stephanou*, I. G. Kavouras, P. Koutrakis, P. Oyola And D. Von Baer, The Composition and Sources of PM2.5 Organic Aerosol in two Urban Areas of Chile, Atmospheric Environment 36 3851-3863, 2002.
M. Mandalakis, E. G. Stephanou* Study of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Atmospheric Concentration over the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, J. Geoph. Res., in press, 2002.
I. G. Kavouras And E. G. Stephanou* Direct evidence of atmospheric secondary organic aerosol formation in forest atmosphere through heteromolecular nucleation, Environ. Sci. Technol., in press, 2002 (
M. Tsapakis, E. G. Stephanou*, And I. Karakassis, Evaluation of atmospheric transport as a non-point source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean, Marine Chemistry, in press, 2002.
J. Lelieveld*, H. Beresheim, N. Mihalopoulos, E.G. Stephanou et al. Global Air Pollution Crossroads over the Mediterranean, Science 298 (5594), 794, 2002.
M. Mandalakis, H. Berresheim & E. G. Stephanou* Direct evidence for PCB destruction in the subtropical troposphere by OH radicals.Enviroν. Sci. Technol., 2002, accepted for publication