October 18, Thursday, Conference pre-launch day
National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow
11 Pokrovskiy Bulvar street, building «G»/ 5a Vorontsovo pole, Cultural center
Workshops and Seminars
09.00-17.00 venue: MISIS |
Workshop: Project-oriented education Moderators:
Facilitator: D. Avdulova, Skolkovo foundation | |
10.00-17.00 |
Preliminary registration of conference participants 11 Pokrovskiy Bulvar street, building «G», 3 floor | |
11.00-13.00 venue: HSE,room G313 |
Seminar: The Shanghai ranking of the world universities Moderator: Nian Cai Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Nian Cai Liu presentation (Jiao Tong University) Facilitator: Taradina L.D., HSE
| |
13.00-14.00 |
Coffee break (G317) | |
14.00-16.30 room G 408 |
Round table «Profiles of universities on the media platforms: potential and limitations» (HSE and the RIA Novosti national news agency) Moderator: Natalia Turina, RIA Novosti Facilitator: Taradina L.D., HSE | |
14.00-16.30 venue: HSE, room G313 |
Workshop: Institutional research at universities Moderator: Vladimir Briller, Pratt Institute Vladimir Briller presentation (Pratt Institute) Facilitator: Mayorova O.A., HSE | |
14.00-16.45 venue: HSE, room G411 |
Workshop on the international panel survey EUROSTUDENT Moderator: Alexander Chvorostov, CEASS-Center at the IHS-Vienna Facilitator: Smolentseva A.Y., HSE
Studentship studies: USSR (Public opinion project, 1987–1991) and EU experience (EUROSTUDENT project, since 1995) Speakers:
Major results and policy implications of the EUROSTUDENT survey for Austria and Germany
Estonian experience of the EUROSTUDENT project implementation, Wave 4: inputs, processes and outcomes
Students' lifestyle and health: regional trends study (2001–2011)
Sociology as a higher education modernisation tool
Studying students involvement at Russian higher education institutions: experience and outlooks Opponent: Konstantinovskiy D.L. (Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology – Centre of Sociology of Education) | |
16.30-17.00 |
Coffee break (G317) | |
17.00-18.30 venue: HSE, room G313 |
Participant universities meeting: STUDENTS' PATHWAYS project Moderator: Chirikov I.S., HSE Facilitator: Mayorova O.A., HSE | |
17.00-18.30 venue: HSE, room G411 |
Open talks on the international panel survey EUROSTUDENT Facilitator: Smolentseva A.Y., HSE
Social dimension of higher education in Europe: review and main outcomes of four waves of the international EUROSTUDENT survey (1995–2011)
Operational experience of the programme Public opinion, implemented by theUSSR State Committee for Education in Soviet higher education institutions,1987–1991 |
17.00-18.30 venue: HSE, room G408 |
Round table: "The research of universities: strategies and potential"(by invitation-only) Moderator: Irina Karelina, HSE Facilitator: Elena Kirilenko, HSE
October 19, Friday, Conference Day 1
National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow
11 Pokrovskiy Bulvar street, building «G»/ 5a Vorontsovo pole, Cultural center
09.00-09.45 Registration of the conference participants (5a Vorontsovo pole, Cultural center)
09.45-10.00 Co-chairs of Programme committee Maria Yudkevich, Isak Froumin
Large hall of the cultural center
10.00-10.30 National Research University Higher School of Economic and the New Economic School - twenty years on
Presentations by the HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and NES Prorector Konstantin Sonin
Large hall of the cultural center
10.30-12.30 Plenary session 1:
Large hall of the cultural center
Research universities across the world: the roads to academic excellence Moderator: Jamil Salmi, World Bank Speakers:
George R. Blumenthal presentation (Presentation)
Kristian Thorn presentation (Aarhus University)
Evripides Stefanou presentation (University of Crete)
12.45-13.15 Coffee break (G408)
12.30-14.45 Hall № 2 of the cultural center |
The meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science with the rectors of foreign universities: Russian “competitiveNESS performance initiative”: risks and new approaches based on international experience (by invitation-only)
13.15-14.45 Section meetings (1–2–3–4–5)
Room G313 |
Section 1. Academic profession and contracts in universities Moderator: Laura Rumbley, Boston College, USA
The emergence of a global academic profession? Martin Finkelstein and William Cummings presentation (Seton Hall Univ, George Washington Univ)
Inbreds, silver-corded, adherents, their scientific productivity and information exchange dynamics: the case of Portugal Hugo Horta presentation (Technical University of Lisbon)
Career opportunities and challenges for young faculty in Chinese research universities Qi Wang presentation (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Language: English (simultaneous translation is provided) |
Room G411
Section 2. Internationalisation of higher education and strategies of research universitiesModerator: Benjamin E. Lind, HSE
Internationalisation of higher education: how is India doing?
Strategies for internationalisation of a Brazilian research university: the case of Unicamp
Assimilationist/isolationist debates in the Russian academic policies and the National Research Universities experiment
The German-Russian academic cooperation and social science networks Language: English (simultaneous translation is provided)
Room G310
Section 3. The role of universities in regional and global development Moderator: Boris Zhelezov, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Network interactions of federal universities: foreign best practices and Russian prospects
Raising innovators as a major task of the leading universities
Influence of humanities on the social trust level: comparative econometric analysis |
Room G311
Section 4. «Old» new universities: mergers, acquisitions and radical changes at universities Moderator: Yevgeniy Knyazev, HSE
Restructuring the Norwegian higher education system – why are mergers so difficult?
Organisational gravity: strategies for sustainable educational development
Going world-class through merger: how the state affects identity formation in Russian flagship universities |
Room G308
Section 5. Students' pathways and achievements at university Moderator: Zarema Kasabieva, New Economic School
New admission rules and mobility of graduates
The impact of the Unified Standard Examination on student strategies
Economic output of higher engineering education in Russia
Final evaluation of Bachelors' academic achievements: first steps in the FBE appraisal |
14.45-15.15 Coffee break (G408)
15.30-18.30 The second coordination meeting of national and international experts of student syrvey organization "EUROSTUDENT-NIS" (G317)
(by invitation only)
16.30-17.00 Coffee break for coordination meeting experts (G408)
15.30-17.30 Plenary session 2:
Large hall of the cultural center
Research universities across the world: paths to academic excellence Moderator: Kathryn Mohrman, Arizona State University, School of Public Affairs Speakers:
Joseph J.Y. Sung presentation (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Nigel Thrift presentation (University of Warwick)
18.00-19.00 Small hall of the cultural center
Books presentation Moderators: Maria Yudkevich, Jamil Salmi – The Road to Academic Excellence: The Making of World-Class Research Universities. Edited by Philip G. Altbach and Jamil Salmi. Washington: World Bank, 2011 (Russian edition: Moscow, 2012); – Paying the Professoriate: A Global Comparison of Compensation and Contracts. Edited by Philip G. Altbach, Liz Reisberg, Maria Yudkevich, Gregory Androushchak, Ivan F. Pacheco. London: Routledge, 2012 (Russian edition: Moscow, 2012). I.Froumin - Chapter 10 - The Road to Acad Excellence
19.00 Banquet for the conference speakers (Hall №1 of the Cultural center)
October 20, Saturday, Conference Day 2
National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow
11 Pokrovskiy Bulvar street, building «G»/ 5a Vorontsovo pole, Culture center
09.00-10.00 Registration of the conference participants ( 5a Vorontsovo pole, Culture center)
10.00-12.00 Plenary session 3
Large hall of the cultural center
Research universities across the world: paths to academic excellence Moderator: Maria Yudkevich, HSE Speakers:
Josep Joan Moreso presentation (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
12.00-12.30 Coffee break (Hall №2of the cultural center)
12.30-14.00 Conference Round table
Large hall of the cultural center
Plenary round table “The Birth and Revival of Universities” Moderator: Isak Froumin, HSE
Vladimir Briller presentation (Pratt Institute)
Nian Cai Liu presentation (Jiao Tong University)
14.15-15.15 Coffee break (G408)
15.15-16.45 Room G313 |
Rectors' meeting: Fast-track and successful: How do young universities create their brand?(by invitation only) |
15.15-16.45 Section meetings (6–7–8–9–10)
Room G317 |
Section 6. Measuring the university performance: models and practices of evaluation and ranking Moderator: Nadezhda Titova, Higher School of Economics
Employer evaluations of graduate students' readiness for professional careers in the educational sector as a factor of changes in academic content development for future generations of education professionals
Russian higher education institutions in the world educational space: the "Webometrics" ranking (2007–2012)
Evaluation and improvement of the university management system based on the key performance indicators
University rankings based on the organisational development assessment |
Room G308 |
Section 7. Changing the academic profession in a changing world Moderator: Mikhail Sokolov, European University at St. Petersburg
Institutionalisation of professorial ethics in the modern university prospects
Philosophy in University: on the status of philosophical theory in the context of the Russian academic policy in the XIX – XX centuries
Communicative model of the teaching process: American and European universities practices and experiences
Peregrinatio academica: Russian student internships for professorial training in European universities, 1807–1863 |
Room G411
Section 8. The cases and research of innovative ideas and practices in the creation and development of new universities Moderator: Barbara Kehm, INCHER-Kassel
What is the idea of the XXI century University?
Institutional change, leadership and strategic planning: the Pratt Institute case study Vladimir Briller Presentation (Pratt Institute)
Endowment funds in the education sector: review of practical experienceover the first 5 years in Russia
Design of the regional university network: the case of Moscow |
Room G311
Section 9. New studies on students' achievements and educational pathways Moderator: Panov A.A., the Vedomosti newspaper
One or many? Using the new opportunities of the Unified State Exam
Russian USE and olympiads as instruments for university admission selection
The scholarly benefits of physical fitness
The university graduate student competence model: development issues |
Room G310
Section 10. Innovations and successful practices of universities ans community interaction Moderator: Zinkovskiy K. V. HSE
Ural Federal University^ the integration of diversity based on the development values
University as a translator of socially significant values
Competitiveness of regions: effective interactions between the universities and local communities |
16.45-17.15 Coffee break (G408)
17.15-18.45 Section meetings (11–12–13)
Room G317 |
Section 11. International institutional cooperation and its role in the development of universities Moderator: Sergei Yakovlev, HSE
Comparing the international collaboration strategies of research universities in Russia and China
Academic empires: colonial legacies and the international system of academic mobility and collaboration
Institutionalisation of the international co-operation between the higher education institutions: cultural and language centres in the structure of universities
The case of ICEF HSE establishment and development: experience and lessons gained |
Room G308 |
Section 12. The role of universities in regional development Moderator: Irina Abankina, HSE
Modernisation of higher education: Ukrainian experience
The 100 top Chinese universities: the mission in the reforms of the higher education institutions
Regional effects of changing trends in social demand for higher education
Higher school in the network of society |
Room G311
Section 13. Universities of the future: new universities’ positioning in a changing world Moderator:Valeriy Efimov, Siberian Federal University
The future of higher school in Russia: trends, scenarios, universities mission and functions transformation. Outlook 2030.
The future of higher school in Russia: advanced technology of education, research and innovation. Outlook 2030.
New anthropological trends and anthropological projects as a frame for future education
Innovative education in Russian regional technological universities: criteria and social demand issues |
17.00-18.30 Public meeting of the Board of the Higher Education Researchers Association
Room 411