October 14| Day 1
Simultaneous translation
Audience broadcast
Online streaming
9:30 - 12:00
Lobby of the Cultural Centre (Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11, building 6) - building Z
Welcome coffee-break and registration
Lobby of HSE Cultural Centre
Opening of the Conference
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Language: Russian
Small Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Presentation of the “Quality of Higher Education in the Pandemic” Report
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Language: Russian
Small Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Break – 10 minutes
Presentation of the Book "Russian Universities: How the System Works"
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Language: Russian
Small Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Break – 20 minutes
Session 1 “Education and Labor Market”
Room F201
Languages: Russian, English
Session 2 “Quality of Education in a Pandemic”
Room D201
Language: English
Session 3 “Assessment and Management of the Quality of Education”
Room F301
Language: Russian
Methodological Seminar "Data-Driven Management in Higher Education"
Room D204
Language: Russian
Lunch - 1 hour
Symposium “Formation and Assessment of Universal Competencies of University Students” - 1
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Languages: Russian, English
Round Table "Educational Success of Students of Russian Universities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Room F201
Language: Russian
Round Table “A Promising Model of Additional Professional Education of a Regional University”
Room F301
Language: Russian
Session 4 “International and Comparative Studies of Quality of Education”
Room D201
Language: English
IPA Higher Education Symposium for Early-Career Scholars
Room N206
Language: Russian
Coffee-Break - 20 minutes
Rooms G203, G303, G322
Round Table "Regional Analytics and Policy of Higher Education" (under the auspices of HCMRC)
Room F201
Language: Russian
Round Table “Management of Digitalization of Education in a Pandemic: Challenges and Best Practices” (under the auspices of HCMRC)
Room F301
Language: Russian
Symposium “Formation and Assessment of Universal Competencies of University Students” - 2
Session "Formation of Universal Competencies: Experience of Russian Universities"
Room D201
Language: Russian
Full version
Welcome coffee-break and registration
Lobby of HSE Cultural Centre
Opening of the Conference
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Language: Russian
Small Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
- Nikita Anisimov (Rector, HSE University, Moscow)
- Maria Yudkevich (Vice-Rector, HSE University, Moscow)
- Isak Froumin (Head, Institute of Education, HSE University, Moscow)
Presentation of the “Quality of Higher Education in the Pandemic” Report
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Small Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Language: Russian
The global pandemic has led to a situation where almost all universities in Russia were forced to switch to remote or hybrid mode of operation. The primary effects and lessons of the impact of this crisis on universities in Russia have already been analyzed in many studies. An analysis of the changes that are taking place suggests that many elements of the mixed mode of work will remain in universities for a long time, if not forever. One of the most relevant in this regard is the issue of maintaining and improving the quality of education in conditions that involve the transition to a mixed model of education. At the same time, the concept of quality of education is proposed to be considered through the level of educational results that a student or graduate was able to achieve.
During the plenary session, the main results of the analytical report "The quality of education in Russian universities: what we understood during and after the COVID-19 pandemic", implemented on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation will be presented and discussed.
Main questions:
- What are the main factors of the quality of education and educational outcomes?
- How has the perception of the quality of education changed among students, teachers, and employers?
- What is the impact of distance technologies on the quality of higher education?
- What are the best practices for ensuring the quality of education in the new environment?
Moderator: Oleg Leshukov (Head of Laboratory for University Development of Institute of Education, HSE University)
- Oleg Leshukov (Head of Laboratory for University Development of Institute of Education, HSE University)
- Dmitry Afanasiev (Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation)
- Evgeniy Terentev (Vice-Head of Institute of Education, HSE University)
- Elena Sukhanova (Head of Institute of Education, Tomsk State University)
- Daniil Sandler (First Vice-Rector, Ural Federal University)
- Kirill Barannikov (Vice-Rector, Moscow City University)
Break – 10 minutes
Presentation of the Book "Russian Universities: How the System Works"
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Small Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Language: Russian
Break – 20 minutes
Session 1 “Education and Labor Market”
Room F201
Languages: Russian, English
Moderator: Victor Rudakov (HSE University)
Polina Vanevskaya (HSE University), Anastasia Shilova (HSE University) “Self-perceived employability among humanities undergraduates (on the example of Faculty of Humanities at HSE University in Moscow)”
Natalya Yemelina (HSE University), Sergey Roshchin (HSE University), Ksenia Rozhkova (HSE University) “The gender wage gap among university graduates in Russia: horizontal segregation in education and jobs”
Galina Cherednichenko (Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) “Part-time students and graduates of higher education: human capital and its application in the labor market”
Bernardo Eugenio Pincheira Sarmiento (HSE University), Victor Rudakov (HSE University) "Education and health over time in Russia: Evidence from the RLMS"
Session 2 “Quality of Education in a Pandemic”
Room D201
Language: English
Moderator: Sergey Malinovskiy (HSE University)
Ekaterina Minaeva (HSE University), Larisa Taradina (RANEPA) “Internationalization in Russian universities during the pandemic of COVID-19: lessons for succeeding in the new reality”
Karabchuk Tatiana (UAE University), Aizhan Shomotova (UAE University) “Faculty Well-being under COVID-19 Pandemic”
Aizhan Shomotova (UAE University), Karabchuk Tatiana (UAE University) “Fording the COVID19 River: Female PhD students copying with family, academic and job duties”
Ekaterina Minaeva (HSE University), Polina Zavalina (World Bank) “Export of education as a driver of development of higher education systems”
Session 3 “Assessment and Management of the Quality of Education”
Room F301
Language: Russian
Moderator: Kirill Zinkovsky (HSE University)
Galina Motova (Guild of Professional Education Experts), Vladimir Navodnov (National Centre for Public Accreditation), Viktor Bolotov (HSE University) “The practice of using distributed databases for the creation of an aggregated independent evaluation of the quality of education”
Evgenia Opfer (HSE University), Daria Shcheglova (HSE University), Anna Garmonova (HSE University) “Ambassadors of strategic transformations in the Russian magistracy”
Tatiana Klyachko (RANEPA) “The education quality at the university: the requirements of different participants in the educational process”
Methodological Seminar "Data-Driven Management in Higher Education"
Room D204
Language: Russian
Moderator: Niyaz Gabdrakhmanov (HSE University)
Lunch - 1 hour
Symposium “Formation and Assessment of Universal Competencies of University Students” - 1
Hamish Coates (Tsinghua University, China), Liu Liu (Tsinghua University, China), Juan Zhang (Tsinghua University, China) “Next Generation Assessment Tools: Towards Better Learning”
Concert Hall of HSE Cultural Centre
Languages: Russian, English
Moderator: Ekaterina Orel (HSE University)
Discussants: Sergey Roshchin (HSE University), Isak Froumin (HSE University), Artyom Sukhodoev (ANPO “Russia - Land of Opportunity)
Round Table "Educational Success of Students of Russian Universities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic"
The round table will be devoted to discussing the results of the project to assess the quality of higher education in Russian universities during the pandemic. The project was implemented on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and included a series of all-Russian sociological surveys of students, graduate students, teachers and university leaders, as well as an analysis of practices to improve the educational results of students in the context of forced digitalization.
Within the framework of the event, issues related to the effectiveness of management practices for increasing the educational success of students in the context of the transition to distance learning, factors of the educational experience of students associated with an increase or decrease in educational success will be discussed.
Participants: universities participating in the project "Scientific and methodological support of development of quality management systems for higher education in and after the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic"
Room F201
Language: Russian
Moderator: Evgeniy Terentev (HSE University)
Evgeniy Terentev (HSE University)
Ivan Gruzdev (HSE University)
Maria Abramova (Tomsk State University)
Niyaz Gabdrakhmanov (HSE University)
Kirill Barannikov (Moscow City University)
Elena Sukhanova (Tomsk State University)
Round Table “A Promising Model of Additional Professional Education of a Regional University”
The round table will be dedicated to a discussion about the possibility of creating a universal model of additional professional education, which can be replicated in any regional university, taking into account its industry affiliation. We will discuss the basic tools for the participation of regional universities in the implementation of national projects, present the best practices for increasing the share of income from additional professional education in the structure of the university budget, propose the best system for promoting such programs at a regional university, assess the need to identify and consolidate the sectoral competitiveness of the university in the Russian continuous education market and visualize the image of a promising model of continuing education in regional Russian universities.
Room F301
Language: Russian
Moderator: Inna Andreyanova (Novgorod State University)
Inna Andreyanova (Novgorod State University), Anna Rozhkova (Novgorod State University) “The perspective model for additional vocational training in regional Russian universities”
Natalia Makarova (CoffeeStudio, Novgorod State University), Igor Chernykh (CoffeeStudio) “Website as a tool for building loyalty in additional education”
Anna Tishina (Smolensk State University, HSE University), Mikhail Artemenkov (Smolensk State University), Vitaly Filinov (Smolensk State University) “Modular Approach in the Additional Professional Education and Flagship educational programs”
Olga Lisova (Stavropol State Agrarian University), Elena Kostyukova (Stavropol State Agrarian University) “Supplementary Vocational Education forward-looking Model at Russian regional universities”
Lilia Motailenko (Pskov State University, HSE University) “Expert track of Scientific and pedagogical workers in the field of Supplementary Vocational Education”
IPA Higher Education Symposium for Early-Career Scholars
Innovative Proceedings & Analytics (IPA) Symposium in Higher Education is an annual event held as part of the Semyonov Award initiative. It is aimed at supporting and consolidating the cross-border community of early-career scholars in higher education. The Awards are named after Dmitry Semyonov, recognizing his scholarly acumen, proactive leadership, and significant practical contribution that helped to change the landscape of higher education research in Russia in only several years.
At the IPA Symposium, the sessions of three presentations brings together early-career scholars and accomplished researchers to discuss prospective papers in the field of higher education. Each presenter receives comprehensive feedback on their research project from a discussant
Room N206
Language: Russian
Moderator: Daria Platonova (HSE University)
Isak Froumin, Academic Director of the Institute of Education, HSE University
Oleg Leshukov, Head of the Laboratory for University Development, Institute of Education, HSE University
Anna Smolentseva, Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Education, HSE University
Maria Yudkevich, Vice Rector, Director of the Institute for Institutional Studies, HSE University
Natalia Budyldina (HSE University in Saint-Petersburg) “Universities and regional engagement: do national education policies have crowding out effects?”
Elena Chechik (European University at St.Petersburg) “Dissertation authors and their advisors. Does gender matter?”
Lidia Yatluk (Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO) “University double bind: how academic entrepreneurship works in Russia”
Session 4 “International and Comparative Studies of Quality of Education”
Room D201
Language: English
Moderator: Magdalena Alejandra Gaete Sepulveda (HSE University St. Petersburg)
Daraio Cinzia (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), Alessandro Avenali (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland) “Quality of non-academic staff and its impact on the performance: an exploration on European and US universities”
Verhine Robert (Universidade Federal Da Bahia, Brasil) “A comparative analysis of university quality assurance in Brazil and the United States”
Murdoch Jake (University of Bourgogne, France) “The quality of higher education studies and the labour market in 9 European countries”
Coffee-Break - 20 minutes
Rooms G203, G303, G322
Round Table "Regional Analytics and Policy of Higher Education" (under the auspices of HCMRC)
Strengthening competition in Russian regions not only for talented students, but for young people in general, necessitates the search for non-standard management solutions. Against the background of changes in the university admission rules, a revision of the distribution of target enrollment figures, a deterioration in the financial situation of many families, a change in the educational trajectory of young people, an intensification of educational migration and total digitalization, a deliberate formation of a university recruitment strategy is the key to success. As part of the round table, we will discuss the consequences of these changes, subsequent management decisions and the results of their implementation in Russian universities. Within the framework of the round table, a series of analytical reports on regional systems of higher education will be presented.
Room F201
Language: Russian
Moderator: Niyaz Gabdrakhmanov (HSE University)
Elena Lysenko (Kemerovo State University) “Analysis of admissions’ quality of applicants to a regional university in the context of the formation of a graduate's competitiveness”
Inna Donova (Kemerovo State University) “Resource-type regions: educational migration and human capital”
Veronika Belousova (HSE University), Mikhail Gershman (HSE University), Nikolay Chichkanov (HSE University), Zhaklin Krayushkina (HSE University) “What drives Russian universities to attract private funding for R&D?”
Inna Andreyanova (Novgorod State University), Anastasiya Zaretskaya (Novgorod State University) “The experience and potential of the region in the implementation of the priority regional project "Improving the migration situation in the Novgorod region”
The session is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).
Round Table “Management of Digitalization of Education in a Pandemic: Challenges and Best Practices” (under the auspices of HCMRC)
The session is centered around the experience of universities that are part of the Evidence-Based Digitalization for Student Success consortium in transforming the educational process in the face of a forced accelerated transition to distance learning. We will discuss the results of one of the projects of the consortium dedicated to the study of the teaching formats used during the stay-at-home period, learn about the experience of each consortium university, and find out which of the new practices are planned to be integrated into the post-pandemic education by those universities.
Room F301
Language: Russian
Moderator: Tatiana Semenova (HSE University)
Rinat Sergeevich Anisimov (Mari State University)
Pavel Olegovich Krasilnikov (Moscow Polytechnic University)
Viola Larionova (Ural Federal University)
Svetlana Kalmykova (St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)
Yuri Altudov (Kabardino-Balkarian State University)
Boris Viktorovich Martynov (Southern University of IUBiP)
Maria Yurievna Eflova (Kazan Federal University)
Irina Aleksandrovna Kuznetsova (Yaroslavl State University)
Karina Ivanovna Khanzhiyan, Alexey Sergeevich Siman (Russian State Agrarian University)
Khodyrev Pavel Mikhailovich (Udmurt State University)
The session is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).
Symposium “Formation and Assessment of Universal Competencies of University Students” - 2
Session "Formation of Universal Competencies: Experience of Russian Universities"
Room D201
Language: Russian
Moderator: Yulia Koreshnikova (HSE University)
Yulia Ovsyannikova (Tomsk State University) "Formation of universal competencies in the core of TSU undergraduate studies in the context of distance learning"
Inna Toporova (ITMO) "Interactive and game learning formats for the development of universal competencies / soft skills"
Marina Fadeeva (Volgograd State University), Irina Grigorenko (Volgograd State University) “Individual Competence-Based Tracks of Extracurricular Activities for Higher School Students”
Maxim Bulanov (Moscow City University), Ekaterina Asonova (Moscow City University) “Studying the master students’ educational history as a resource for the development of their pedagogical empathy”